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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day in the Life

The theme for today's Blog Every Day in May challenge is: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

My week days are pretty much the same.  NOT a morning person, it's a struggle to get my small man and myself up, ready, and out the door every day!  But we manage somehow and off he goes to his dad's or to day care while I head to work.  After a pit stop for iced coffee, of course.  Once there, I'm immersed in emails and phone calls since I work in customer relations.  There's usually lunch at my desk and then shopping errands or coloring during my break.  I finish up the day and look forward to seeing my son.  Back at home it's a dizzying blur of dinner, dishes, laundry, bath time, story time, bed time before I can even hope for a moment to myself!  I either end my day on the couch in a TV induced coma or at my craft desk working on projects.

It's not glamorous but it's all mine and I feel lucky to have all that I do!  I'm not a photographer by any stretch, but I attempted to document my day and did a little fun Polaroid style editing for you!


I didn't snap any photos of story or bed time.  Wish I had because he's so gosh darn cute!  But you get the idea.  What is a day in YOUR life like?  What is your favorite part?

I'm impressed with myself that I have made it half way through this challenge already!  Let's see if I can keep it going!  Thanks for stopping by and reading these...  I know they aren't cards, but sometimes it's fun to post about life too!

Have a fabulous evening!


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